Esta es arte de la portada oficial de nuestro nuevo album ha sido revelada!
Además les dejo de parte de nuestra Booking Agency el enlace de Soundcloud para que escuchen en HI-FI nuestro primer sencillo que se desprende del PORN AGAIN.
El Arte de nuestro nuevo álbum PORN AGAIN.
Nuevamente gracias a David Carrillo @ Ghost Dog Studios y Frantica Networks por todo el arte y modificaciones digitales por las que tuvimos que pasar hasta llegar a visualizar la idea original!.
Habrá varios formatos disponibles y cada uno de ellos contendrá un montón de extras y bonus tracks.
Estén pendientes para las fechas de lanzamiento.
**Si tienes una distro o quieres conseguir nuestros discos, ingresa a nuestro sitio oficial y mándanos un mail para precios, tiempos de entrega y mercancía disponible (enlace abajo).
También los exhorto a que visiten nuestra página oficial y adquieran ya los últimos CDs de GangBang From Hell y Playeras con el nuevo logo de fresco algodón heavy-duty, recuerden que son de edición limitada y altamente coleccionables.
martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013
Arte de la portada PORN AGAIN revelado!
asenath records,
guadalajara jalisco,
martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013
Una excelente reseña de nuestro anterior trabajo GANGBANG FROM HELL
Indescriptible es lo que se siente cuando alguien capta el concepto de la banda siendo un extranjero a veces es muy difícil tener ese acercamiento a lo que The Meatfuckers intentamos en nuestro trabajo anterior y nos satisface el resultado. Estoy muy agradecido con Jrivera y su reseña tan acertiva.
Thank you pal! -The Reverend & the Meatfückers.
This metal is extreme in its attitude, which is as good a place to start as any. It’s an inky shade of black metal. Powerfully delivered,
with some thrashy tunes, and some mid-tempo double bass numbers, all with snarled vocals uttered through clenched teeth and a wrestler/bondage mask. But there’s a seething anger throughout tied in with L.A. porn titles, either for humor or dark spite, but the anger here is real. And The Meatfuckers have shaped theirs into something different . . .
“Hookers Parade” is the first real stand out number on the disc. There’s a real knife edge melody to the guitar riff that dances over the furious rhythm.
“Teens For Cash” is another song that’s solid from start to finish. The leads are fluid and bright and the drumming is a wet dream, which has never been a more appropriate use of the expression. Big, expressive, and at times overblown like a Napalm Death or Butthole Surfers song, the dueling guitar leads, are manic and wonderful.
It almost feels inappropriate to use a word like “sexy” to describe anything connected to a song called, “Euroslut,” but the bass line that opens the song is just that. The solo at the heart of the song takes it’s time and feels as though it has several movements to work through. It’s surprisingly nuanced and welcome.
“Pornorama” has a nice twin guitar lead at the beginning and another unexpectedly tasty lead before the song lurches into overdrive. The double bass drumming here is tasty and in the pocket.
This is brutal and unrelenting picante, south of the border metal. Where industry and the dark dreams of the desert collide. The middle of the desert from which Guadalajara arises can be an unforgiving place. Where artistry and visions collide with the real world and this is their Rosemary’s Baby awaiting you now. You could dismiss The Meatfuckers as sensationalistic and shocking, saying things simply to get your ire. You’d be wrong.
Thank you pal! -The Reverend & the Meatfückers.
Guadalajara’s Greatest – The Meatfuckers Gangbang from Hell
September 5, 2013 By jrivera
The Meatfuckers
Gangbang from Hell
Music Solutions Agency, 2012This metal is extreme in its attitude, which is as good a place to start as any. It’s an inky shade of black metal. Powerfully delivered,
“Hookers Parade” is the first real stand out number on the disc. There’s a real knife edge melody to the guitar riff that dances over the furious rhythm.
“Teens For Cash” is another song that’s solid from start to finish. The leads are fluid and bright and the drumming is a wet dream, which has never been a more appropriate use of the expression. Big, expressive, and at times overblown like a Napalm Death or Butthole Surfers song, the dueling guitar leads, are manic and wonderful.
It almost feels inappropriate to use a word like “sexy” to describe anything connected to a song called, “Euroslut,” but the bass line that opens the song is just that. The solo at the heart of the song takes it’s time and feels as though it has several movements to work through. It’s surprisingly nuanced and welcome.
“Pornorama” has a nice twin guitar lead at the beginning and another unexpectedly tasty lead before the song lurches into overdrive. The double bass drumming here is tasty and in the pocket.
This is brutal and unrelenting picante, south of the border metal. Where industry and the dark dreams of the desert collide. The middle of the desert from which Guadalajara arises can be an unforgiving place. Where artistry and visions collide with the real world and this is their Rosemary’s Baby awaiting you now. You could dismiss The Meatfuckers as sensationalistic and shocking, saying things simply to get your ire. You’d be wrong.
jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013
Les comentamos que ya es oficial, hemos comenzado la serie de presentaciones oficiales del pre-lanzamiento de nuestro nuevo album PORN AGAIN.
La ciudad que se eligió fué Zacatecas, prepárense para el anuncio de las ciudades que estaremos visitando.
Gracias a la gente de Zacatecas por asisitir son fenomenales, esperamos regresar muy pronto!
¿Quieres que The Meatfuckers violemos tu ciudad? (si son organizadores pónganse en contacto para ver fechas disponibles)
Les comentamos que ya es oficial, hemos comenzado la serie de presentaciones oficiales del pre-lanzamiento de nuestro nuevo album PORN AGAIN.
La ciudad que se eligió fué Zacatecas, prepárense para el anuncio de las ciudades que estaremos visitando.
Gracias a la gente de Zacatecas por asisitir son fenomenales, esperamos regresar muy pronto!
¿Quieres que The Meatfuckers violemos tu ciudad? (si son organizadores pónganse en contacto para ver fechas disponibles)
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