THE MEATFUCKERS LIVE!! Feb The 5th-2022!
The sorcerers of perversion return to the stage this Saturday, February 05, 2022. We will present a tour of our legendary material and new compositions.
The Meatfuckers will be playing at 9 P.M. punctual, so that everyone can see us without the pressure that they can no longer find transportation back to their homes or that it is already too late.
That was one of our clauses to be able to accept being at that event, to play at an early hour so that all of you can see us!
We're headlining as part of a 2 day festival with 20 thrash / black metal bands.
The venue is at the "LCD" Laboratory of Musical Diversity (Also known as: The Musician's Casino). Venustiano Carranza Street # 57, Downtown Area, Guadalajara, Jalisco. Mexico.
The pre-sale according to the organizer, will be from December 1, 2021, tickets at the LCD box office as well as at select points -which will already be announced by the organization-
Pre Sale $150.00 MXN // Day of the Event $200.00MXN. The ticket price covers the 2 days of the event!
that it will be capacity controlled, so anticipate acquiring your tickets so
that they are not left out. Bring extra money because we will be carrying CDs
and Official Merchandise from Us.
We´ll see you all, Be Safe everybody!
Reverendo on behalf of The Meatfückers